for Young Children and Their Families

7600 Morro Rd.
Atascadero, CA

Playtime Discoveries is a year round program providing Parent-Child Discovery classes that meet the unique needs and interests of toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children in an age appropriate setting.



* Mommy & me ~ 18 months to 3 years old.

* Parent Participation Preschool ~ Almost 3-5 years ~ Applications start February 20th 

* Home School Support 4-8 years old (Kinder-2nd grade) ~ Applications start February 12th 

* Summer Camps for children ages 4-8, 5-9 and 8-12 years *** Please plan your summer camps registration carefully as there are NO REFUND or CHANGES***

**Summer Camp Registration begins March 1st each year. 

If you are interested in any of there programs or you are having trouble with the website please, Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Playtime Discoveries believes in a hands-on and learn through play environment where young children can explore in a friendly setting designed especially for small hands and bodies and growing minds. Playtime Discoveries is an inside play environment with explorative play, art, dancing and parent education discussion for the mommy and me program.

What is Playtime Discoveries?

  • Designed to exclusively meet the needs and interests of small children ages 2 years to 8 years old!
  • Development in the early years depends on young children exposure to stimulating experiences, caring, engaged adults, and warm and nurturing environments.
  • need for an economical, community based, parent supported program for early childhood learning, contributing to parental success and making a community connection.

Playtime Discoveries benefits young children…
by offering  a warm and welcoming year round program of interactive play, thematic hands-on art, singing, dancing and social interaction with their parents and caregivers. Establishing a healthy bond in the early years is critical for children to thrive and contributes to a childs future success in school and in life.

Playtime Discoveries builds better families
by providing parents an opportunity to enjoy playing with their children without distractions as well as offering continuing Parent Education discussions covering a wide variety of child related topic. Parents will learn to enhance their parenting skills and have opportunities to develop a support system with other parent with similar aged children.

Playtime Discoveries benefits the schools
by teaching parents the importance of volunteering and helping teachers in the classroom, being involved with there child’s education, and how to be a partner with the schools to help there children succeed.


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